The Board of Directors may, in the matters listed in 7°, 8°, 9°, 10°, 11°, 13°, 14° and 15° of article R. 121-9, delegate its powers to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer under the conditions and within the limits, including any financial thresholds, that it determines. The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer shall report to the next meeting of the Board on the decisions he has taken by virtue of such delegation.
Of the decisions to amend the budget provided for in 3° of this article, only those involving either an increase in the total amount of expenditure, or transfers of appropriations between the capital operations section and the operating section or from the personnel chapters to the operating chapters shall be submitted to the Board. Other amending decisions are taken by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer after consultation with the authority responsible for economic and financial control of the State. They are reported to the Board of Directors at its next meeting.