In situations of vital urgency and in the absence of therapeutic alternatives, the doctor may also waive the prohibition mentioned in the first paragraph of article R. 1211-14.
An order by the Minister for Health specifies the cases in which, despite the risk of transmission of a virus by the donor, the graft or the use of products of the human body for therapeutic purposes may take place in the interest of the recipient in accordance with the first paragraph of article L. 1211-6, as well as the organs and cells concerned.
The graft or use for therapeutic purposes of products of the human body referred to in the first paragraph of this article is carried out in compliance with the protocols laid down by order of the Minister for Health issued after consultation with the Agence de la biomédecine and the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé. These recommendations include the procedures for implementing these transplants and, in particular, appropriate therapeutic follow-up.