The practitioner meeting the criteria mentioned in articles R. 2142-10 and R. 2142-11 carrying out sperm collection or oocyte retrieval with a view to donation is required :
1° Enquire about the gamete donor’s personal and family history and the clinical data he considers necessary to collect. If necessary, he will arrange for any additional examinations that he deems useful, in particular if the donor has been exposed in an endemic area, and may seek specialist advice;
The practitioner shall identify gamete donors at potential risk of transmitting Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or other sub-acute spongiform encephalopathies, in particular those who declare that their family history includes relatives who have died of these diseases, or who declare that they have received human extractive products likely to have been contaminants or have undergone invasive neurosurgical explorations;
2° To ensure that the results of the medical biology tests carried out on the gamete donor do not reveal a risk of viral or bacterial transmission responsible for one of the infectious diseases listed in the decrees provided for in articles R. 2142-24 and R. 2142-27.
3° In the case of semen, to have a microbiological examination carried out.
Where a risk of transmission is identified at one of the stages provided for in 1°, 2° or 3° above, confirmed by the practitioner mentioned in the first paragraph, where applicable following additional examinations and the opinion of the specialist, the gamete donor may not be retained.