Without prejudice to the obligation referred to in Article L. 1413-14:
1° Any healthcare professional practising in an establishment or structure with a local biovigilance correspondent who is aware of the occurrence of a serious incident or unexpected adverse reaction must report it without delay to this correspondent or, failing this, to his deputy. If the local correspondent and his/her alternate are unable to act, the healthcare professional must report any serious incident or unexpected adverse reaction to the Agence de la biomédecine without delay;
2° Any healthcare professional practising in an establishment or structure that does not have a local correspondent who is aware of the occurrence of a serious incident or unexpected adverse reaction must report it to the Agence de la biomédecine without delay;
3° Any other healthcare professional who is aware of an adverse reaction which, on the basis of the information in their possession, appears to be related to the elements, products or derivatives mentioned in 1° of I of Article R. 1211-29 or to the activities mentioned in 2° of this same I reports it without delay to the local correspondent of the structure which was involved in the activities in question or which treated the person concerned by the adverse reaction.