Non-substantial modifications must be declared to the regional health agency. A copy is sent to the Etablissement français du sang or, where applicable, to the Centre de transfusion sanguine des armées.
Non-substantial modifications are modifications that are not listed in article R. 1221-20-3 and in particular:
1° The appointment of a new depot manager;
2° The change of equipment appearing on the list of health depot equipment determined by order of the Minister for Health;
3° The conclusion of an amendment to the agreement provided for in article R. 1221-20-2 that does not fall within the scope of an application for authorisation of a substantial modification.
The declaration must be made no later than one month following implementation of the changes.
It must be accompanied by a letter setting out the purpose and any impact of the change on the authorised activities.
The Director General of the Regional Health Agency may request any additional information on the declaration.