I.-The function of transfusion counselling consists of assisting in the choice of transfusion therapy, including the choice of use of labile blood products, the prescription of labile blood products, the performance of the transfusion procedure, the follow-up of recipients, including advice on or interpretation of the results of transfusion tests, and the application of conditions for the storage and transport of labile blood products.
II-This function is performed by :
1° A doctor who has specific skills recognised by diplomas or training and, where applicable, experience, determined by order of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Defence;
2° A pharmacist-biologist who satisfies the conditions laid down in Articles L. 6213-1 to L. 6213-6, works in an immuno-haematology laboratory associated with a labile blood product distribution service and has skills recognised by diplomas or training and, where applicable, experience, determined by order of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Defence.
Where he considers that the request requires a medical opinion, the pharmacist-biologist providing transfusion advice may seek this opinion from a doctor at the Etablissement Français du Sang or the Armed Forces Blood Transfusion Centre.