The extracts or certificates referred to in the last paragraph of Article R. 123-152 are issued by the court clerks on an electronic medium under the following conditions:
1° They are drawn up using a system for processing, storing and transmitting information that guarantees the integrity of its content and is approved by the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce ;
2° The information communication systems implemented by the registrars must be interoperable with each other and with the bodies to which they must transmit these data;
3° The extracts or certificates bear the secure electronic signature of the registrar who drew them up, as defined by the décret n° 2017-1416 du 28 septembre 2017 relatif à la signature électronique;
4°They must be stored under conditions that preserve their integrity and legibility ;
5° Registrars shall also keep all information relating to extracts and certificates issued, such as data enabling them to be identified, their properties to be determined and their traceability to be ensured;
6° In addition, they shall keep, on a daily basis, a register on an electronic medium of all extracts and certificates that they issue;
7° This register shall mention the date, the nature, the names of the addressees of the extracts and certificates, the medium on which they were issued and any other information prescribed by the laws and regulations;
8° The image of the court clerk’s seal must appear on the extracts or certificates issued.
An order of the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, shall specify, as necessary, the terms and conditions for the application of this article.