The declaration provided for in Article L. 123-29 is sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or delivered against receipt.
If the application is incomplete, the regional chamber of commerce and industry or chamber of trade and craft notifies the interested party of the list of missing documents within fifteen days of receipt.
From receipt of the complete declaration file, a card known as a “carte permettant l’exercice d’une activité commerciale ou artisanale ambulante” is issued to the interested party against payment of a fee by the territorial chamber of commerce and industry or the regional chamber of trades and crafts within a maximum period of one month, except where the declaration is made at the same time as an application to set up a business is submitted. In the latter case, the one-month period runs from the date of entry in the legal publicity register.
During the one-month period referred to in the third paragraph and until the declarant receives his card, he may present the checks referred to in article R. 123-208-5 a provisional certificate issued, at his request, by the territorial chamber of commerce and industry or by the regional chamber of trades and crafts.
The amount of the fee referred to in the third paragraph may not exceed the average cost of producing and transmitting the card.
The particulars shown on this card and the amount of the fee are set by order of the minister responsible for trade.