The following information is also entered in the register:
1° For each legal unit and each of its establishments, the code characterising the main activity carried out with reference to the French nomenclature of activities in force, allocated by the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques;
2° For each establishment, the additional codes specifying particular forms of activity: seasonal nature, form of activity, if applicable surface area of the shop, itinerant nature of the activity;
3° For each establishment with an activity falling within the trades and crafts sector, the additional code of the French trades and crafts nomenclature of activities in force, allocated by the regional chambers of trades and crafts as well as the status of artisan d’art. By way of derogation from 1°, when the main activity carried out falls within the trades and crafts sector, the code allocated by the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques is established in accordance with the code allocated in application of this paragraph;
4° For each legal unit and each establishment, the categories corresponding to the size of the total civilian workforce and per establishment, as well as the year of their validity;
5° For the public law legal units mentioned in 4° of article R. 123-220, an indication of the State department or local authority responsible for administrative supervision;
6° For each legal unit, the category of business, as defined by Decree no. 2008-1354 of 18 December 2008 on the criteria for determining the category to which a business belongs for the purposes of statistical and economic analysis, as well as the year of their validity ;
7° An indication, for each establishment, of the references of the previous operator in the event of a takeover and those of the potential transferee in the event of closure, as well as any economic qualification, including for establishments of distinct legal units, as established by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies;
8° For each establishment, its geographical identifiers and topographical coordinates, in accordance with the procedures set out in Article R. 123-234-2.