Deeds and documents issued by the company and intended for third parties, in particular letters, invoices, advertisements and various publications, shall state the company name, immediately and legibly preceded or followed by:
1° For general partnerships, the words “société en nom collectif” or the initials “SNC”;
2° For limited partnerships, the words “société en commandite simple” or the initials “SCS” ;
3° For sociétés à responsabilité limitée, the words “société à responsabilité limitée” or the initials “SARL” and a statement of the amount of share capital;
4° For sociétés par action :
a) As appropriate, the words:
– “société anonyme” or the initials “SA”. In addition, if the société anonyme has a management board and a supervisory board, the corporate form is indicated by the words: “société anonyme à directoire et conseil de surveillance”;
– “société par actions simplifiées” or the initials “SAS”;
– “société en commandite par action” or the initials “SCA”;
– “société européenne” or the initials “SE”;
b) A statement of the amount of the share capital, which may be rounded down to the nearest whole number. In the event of a capital increase resulting from the exercise, which may take place at any time, of rights attached to securities giving access to the capital, from the exercise of share subscription options which may be exercised at any time or from the payment of dividends in shares, and unless the capital increase exceeds 10% of its previous amount, the company is only required to mention the new amount of the capital in the deeds and documents listed in the first paragraph after the expiry of a period of three years from the date on which the increase is recorded.