The following particulars relating to the legal entity are entered in the National Register of Companies, upon declaration by the company at the time of its registration:
1° The company name, followed, where applicable, by its acronym;
2° The legal form, specifying the company’s legal personality and its legal personality;
2° Its legal form, specifying, where applicable, whether the company has a single shareholder, and, where applicable, the special legal status to which the company is subject;
3° The amount of the company’s share capital or a statement that the company’s share capital is variable, indicating, where applicable, the amount below which it may not be reduced;
4° The address of the registered office, specifying, where applicable, either that use has been made of the option available under the second paragraph of article L. 123-11-1 or, in the case of premises occupied jointly with one or more other companies, the existence of the domiciliation contract provided for in articles R. 123-167 and R. 123-168, the date it was signed, the name or corporate name of the domiciliary company, its unique identification number and any references to its registration in a public register, indicating the name and location of the register;
5° A literal description of the main activity;
6° Its duration, as set out in the articles of association;
7° In the case of a company subject to disclosure of its annual accounts and balance sheets, the date of the end of the financial year;
8° Where applicable, a reference to a contract to support a business project for the creation or takeover of an economic activity entered into under the conditions set out in Chapter VII of Title II of this Book, specifying the name of the legal entity responsible for the support, the address of its registered office and, if it is registered in a public register, the place of registration and the unique identification number;
9° Where applicable, if the legal entity responsible for the support is a company subject to public disclosure of its annual accounts and balance sheets, the date of closure of the financial year;
Where applicable, if the legal entity responsible for the support is a company subject to public disclosure of its annual accounts and balance sheets, the date of closure of the financial year
9° Where applicable, in the case of a commercial company, its status as a social economy company;
10° Where applicable, its status as a company with a mission;
11° The domain name of its website;
12° For companies resulting from a merger or demerger, the corporate name or name, legal form and registered office of all the companies involved, as well as, for each of them, the information provided for in 1° and 2° of Article R. 123-237;
13° For European companies resulting from a merger, the corporate name, legal form and registered office of all the companies involved in the merger and, for each of them, the information provided for in 1° and 2° of Article R. 123-237, or, for those with their registered office in another Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the place and number of their registration in a public register;
For European companies resulting from a merger, the corporate name, legal form and registered office of all the companies involved in the merger and, for each of them, the information provided for in 1° and 2° of Article R. 123-237
14° For joint farming groups, the information mentioned in article R. 323-15 du code rural et de la pêche maritime.