The caisse départementale ou pluridépartementale de mutualité sociale agricole will validate the information and documents provided and carry out the checks referred to in article R. 123-284, within forty-five working days of receipt of the file by the caisse.
Where the file is incomplete, the caisse départementale ou pluridépartementale de mutualité sociale agricole will request the missing information or documents within this period.
If the file is incomplete, the departmental or multidepartmental mutualité sociale agricole fund will request the missing information or documents within this time limit, which will be provided within fifteen days of this request. The time limit referred to in the first paragraph is suspended from the date of the claim until the date of receipt of the missing information or documents.
If the file is not put in order, the claimant will be informed of the date of receipt of the missing information or documents.
If the file is not regularised in accordance with the conditions set out in the previous paragraph, the caisse départementale ou pluridépartementale de mutualité sociale agricole will take a decision to refuse validation.
When the caisse départementale ou pluridépartementale de mutualité sociale agricole refuses to validate a claim, the claimant is entitled to a refund.
Where the caisse départementale ou pluridépartementale de mutualité sociale agricole has not received the declaration provided for in article R. 722-19 of the French Rural and Maritime Fishing Code, the time limits stipulated in the first and second paragraphs do not begin to run until receipt of this declaration.