The Registrar shall proceed with the registration within one clear working day of receipt of the application. He informs the applicant of this through the single body mentioned in article R. 123-1 and under the conditions provided for in article R. 123-7.
However, where the file is incomplete, he requests within this time limit, through the single body and under the same conditions, the missing information or documents which are provided within fifteen days of this complaint. On receipt of such information or documents, the Registrar shall proceed with registration within the period referred to in the first paragraph.
Failing regularisation of the application under the conditions indicated above or where the Registrar considers that the application does not comply with the applicable provisions, the Registrar shall take a decision to refuse registration which, within the period referred to in the first paragraph, he must either give to the applicant against a receipt or send to the applicant by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The Registrar shall also inform the applicant via the single body in accordance with the conditions laid down in article R. 123-7. Reasons are given for the refusal. Within the same time limit, the Registrar shall inform, via the single body, the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques of this refusal of registration.
Where the complexity of the file requires a special examination of it, the Registrar shall notify the registrant via the single body and, within the time limit provided for in the first paragraph and by letter stating the reasons, that registration will be made or that the decision to refuse registration will be delivered or notified to the applicant within five clear working days of receipt of the application.
The notifications sent by the Registrar shall mention the possibility for the applicant to lodge the appeals provided for, depending on the case, by articles R. 123-139 to R. 123-142 and R. 123-143 to R. 123-149 and specify the terms and conditions thereof.
Failure by the registrar to comply with the time limits set by this article, the applicant may refer the matter to the judge appointed to supervise the register.