Any establishment or organisation benefiting from the authorisation referred to in Article R. 1243-6 must have put in place agreements or procedures with another establishment or other establishments or organisations authorised under this same article, guaranteeing that in the event of interruption or cessation of activity, the tissues, their derivatives, the cells or the cell therapy preparations are transferred there.
By way of derogation from the first paragraph, when the establishments prepare tissues or their derivatives or cell therapy preparations intended to be used in research mentioned in Article L. 1121-1 and they interrupt or cease their activity, the sponsor of this research may either terminate or continue it. If he decides to continue, he shall put in place agreements or procedures to transfer the tissues, their derivatives, the cells or the cell therapy preparations to another establishment or other establishments or organisations. It shall inform the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé either that the research has been discontinued or of the name of the establishment or body to which the tissues, their derivatives, the cells or the cell therapy preparations are transferred.
By way of derogation from the first paragraph, in the event of interruption or cessation of activity, establishments authorised under article R. 1243-3 transfer unused tissues or their derivatives or cell therapy preparations to the establishments or organisations which have transferred them to them, provided that the latter are authorised for storage and distribution activities.