Tissues or their derivatives or cell therapy preparations are distributed under the responsibility of the responsible person referred to in Article R. 1243-12 or, where applicable, the person responsible for the activities referred to in Article R. 1243-12 to an identified practitioner, on the basis of a named medical prescription.
They may only be distributed if they are recognised as complying with the health safety rules adopted in application of article L. 1211-6, as well as those provided for by the rules of good practice and if they are recognised as complying with the requirements mentioned in the authorisation provided for in article L. 1243-2.
However, tissues or their derivatives or cell therapy preparations that do not comply with the requirements mentioned in the authorisation provided for in article L. 1243-2 may be distributed if the practitioner mentioned in the first paragraph certifies that the recipient’s state of health justifies the use of such products and that, in the light of scientific and medical knowledge, the expected benefit for the recipient outweighs the risk incurred by the latter.