The business project support contract for the creation or takeover of an economic activity defined in article L. 127-1 :
1° Sets out the programme of preparation for the creation or takeover and management of an economic activity and the respective commitments of the contracting parties, distinguishing on the one hand between the stipulations provided for until the start of an economic activity within the meaning of Article L. 127-4 and, on the other hand, the stipulations applicable after the start of this activity;
2° Specifies the nature, amount and conditions of use of the resources made available to the beneficiary by the legal entity responsible for the support as well as any changes to these resources during the performance of the contract;
3° Provides, where applicable, for the terms of calculation or the flat-rate amount of the remuneration of the legal entity responsible for the support, as well as any changes thereto during the performance of the contract;
4° Determines the nature, maximum amount and conditions of the commitments made by the beneficiary to third parties during the performance of the contract, as well as the party that assumes the final financial responsibility for them ;
5° Determines, after the start of an economic activity, the terms and frequency according to which the person responsible for the support is informed of the beneficiary’s accounting data;
6° Specifies the terms for early termination;
7° May provide, before the start of an economic activity, for remuneration for the beneficiary of the contract as well as, where applicable, its calculation and payment terms and amount;
8° Provides, after the start of an economic activity, for the conditions under which the beneficiary of the contract pays to the legal entity responsible for the support the sums corresponding to the amount of social security contributions paid by the latter on his behalf pursuant to the second paragraph of Article L. 783-1 of the French Labour Code.