The president of the Cour nationale du droit d’asile is appointed for a renewable term of five years.
He is responsible for the organisation and operation of the court over which he presides. He manages the court’s departments and maintains internal discipline.
He appoints the members of the panels and the staff. He allocates cases to each of them.
He appoints rapporteurs from among the staff of the court who are responsible for the written examination of cases.
He may preside over each of the panels.
He is assisted by one or more vice-presidents whom he appoints from among the section presidents.
In the event of absence or impediment, the president of the court is replaced by the vice-president or the most senior vice-president.
For day-to-day management and administrative acts, the president may delegate his signature to the secretary general and deputy secretary generals as well as to civil servants belonging to a category A body and to contractual agents entrusted with functions of an equivalent level.