The Board of Directors decides on the general direction of the agency.
It adopts the agency’s internal rules.
It deliberates on :
1° Multi-year strategic guidelines;
2° The annual work programme;
3° The performance contract entered into with the State;
4° The activity report;
5° The investment programme;
6° The initial budget and amending decisions;
7° The financial account;
8° Contracts, grants and subsidies, above thresholds that it defines;
9° The general organisation of the agency, in particular the creation of specialised expert committees;
10° the agency’s internal regulations;
11° the general conditions of employment and recruitment of staff and the conditions of remuneration of other persons who provide assistance to the agency;
12° the acquisition, alienation and exchange of real estate and leases and rentals for a period in excess of that which it determines;
13° loans;
14° the acceptance of donations and legacies in excess of a threshold which it determines;
15° Fees for services rendered and remuneration of any kind owed to the Agency in excess of a threshold it determines;
16° Authorisation to institute legal proceedings and to negotiate and conclude settlements;
17° Participation in public interest groupings or any other bodies, whatever their legal nature, as well as agreements;
18° The procedures for implementing the rules of professional conduct applicable to the Agency’s agents, employees, members of its structures and co-contractors, specifying the obligations of impartiality, confidentiality, secrecy and reserve;
19° The list of members of the Committee on Professional Conduct and Prevention of Conflicts of Interest that it proposes to the Ministers;
20° The rules governing the admissibility of referrals to the Agency other than those governed by Article R. 1313-32.