The act declaring the works to extract water for human consumption to be in the public interest is preceded by a public enquiry governed by the provisions of Title I of Book I of the Code de l’expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique.
The protection perimeters mentioned in article L. 1321-2 for the abstraction of water intended for human consumption may cover separate plots of land.
Within the immediate protection perimeter, the boundaries of which are established in order to prohibit any direct introduction of polluting substances into the water abstracted and to prevent any deterioration of the works, the land is fenced off, unless an exemption is provided for in the act declaring it to be in the public interest, and is regularly maintained. All works, installations, activities, deposits, structures, development or occupation of the land are prohibited, apart from those explicitly authorised in the act declaring them to be in the public interest.
Within the close protection perimeter, all works, installations, activities, deposits, works, development or occupation of the land likely to cause pollution likely to render the water unfit for human consumption are prohibited. Other works, installations, activities, deposits, structures, developments or land use may be subject to restrictions and special monitoring, as set out in the public utility declaration. Whenever necessary, the same act specifies that the boundaries of the close protection zone will be marked and signposted.
Within the remote protection perimeter, any works, installations, activities, deposits, structures, development or occupation of the land which, given the nature of the land, present a pollution risk for the water extracted or transported, due to the nature and quantity of polluting products associated with these works, installations, activities, deposits, structures, development or occupation of the land or the extent of the surface area they occupy, may be regulated.