The Director General of the Regional Health Agency may, on his own initiative or at the request of the Prefect, have additional analyses carried out at the expense of the person responsible for the production or distribution of water in the following cases:
1° The quality of water intended for human consumption does not comply with the quality limits set by the order mentioned in article R. 1321-2 ;
2° The quality limits of raw water defined by the order mentioned in II of article R. 1321-7 are not respected or the water resource is likely to be affected by biological developments;
3° The water in the resource or the water distributed shows signs of deterioration;
4° The quality standards set by the order mentioned in article R. 1321-3 are not met;
5° A derogation is granted in application of articles R. 1321-31 to R. 1321-36;
6° Certain people present disorders or symptoms of an illness related to the use of the water supplied;
7° Evidence has shown that a substance, a figurative element or a micro-organism, for which no quality limit has been set, may be present in a quantity or number constituting a potential danger to human health;
8° When works or developments being carried out at the point of abstraction or on the water distribution network are likely to affect human health.
For packaged water, the provisions applicable are those of article R. 1322-42.