Natural mineral water is microbiologically sound water that meets the conditions laid down in article R. 1322-3, originating from an underground water table or deposit exploited from one or more natural or drilled outlets constituting the source. It shows, within the framework of known natural fluctuations, a stability of its essential characteristics, in particular its composition and its temperature at emergence, which is not affected by the flow rate of the water withdrawn.
It can be distinguished from other water intended for human consumption:
1° By its nature, characterised by its content of minerals, trace elements or other constituents ;
2° By its original purity,
both of which have been preserved intact due to the underground origin of the water, which has been protected from any risk of pollution.
These characteristics must have been assessed from the geological and hydrogeological, physical, chemical, microbiological and, if necessary, pharmacological, physiological and clinical points of view, in accordance with the provisions of articles R. 1322-5 and R. 1322-6.