I.-Collective accommodation and tourist accommodation must have sanitary facilities with a permanent supply of both cold and hot water and with sufficient flow and pressure.
The obligation to have hot water does not apply to accommodation located in communities governed byArticle 73 of the Constitution.
II-The number of washbasins, shower rooms and toilets in tourist accommodation corresponds to that set for the first category in the classification table provided for in articles L. 311-6, L. 321-1, L. 324-1, L. 325-1, L. 332-1, L. 333-1 and D. 312-3 of the Tourism Code, whether or not the accommodation is classified within the meaning of this code.
III – For collective accommodation and tourist accommodation not covered by II, sanitary facilities must include at least :
1° Washbasins, at least one for every three people ;
2° Shower rooms with a bath or shower, at least one for every five people;
3° Toilet facilities, with at least one for every five people.
IV – If the facilities include urinals, these must be installed out of sight of users of other toilets.
Toilets do not communicate directly with dining rooms, kitchens or food storage areas.
The operator may not, on his own initiative, suspend the supply of water to the facilities or the use of toilets, except for imperative safety reasons.