I. – The owners referred to in articles R. 1334-17 and R. 1334-18 must compile and keep a file entitled “asbestos technical file” containing the following information and documents:
1° Reports on the location of materials and products on lists A and B containing asbestos;
2° Where applicable, the date, nature, location and results of periodic assessments of the state of preservation, dust measurements, removal or containment work on materials and products containing asbestos and any conservation measures implemented;
3° General safety recommendations regarding these materials and products, in particular intervention procedures, including waste management and disposal procedures;
4° A summary sheet.
The “asbestos technical file” is kept up to date by the owner and includes details of materials and products containing asbestos discovered during work or maintenance operations.
A joint order by the ministers responsible for construction, health and labour specifies the procedures for applying this article and defines the content of the summary sheet and the general safety recommendations mentioned in 3° and 4° of this I.
II – The “asbestos technical file” referred to in I is :
1° Kept by the owner at the disposal of the occupants of the building concerned, employers, staff representatives and occupational physicians when the building contains work premises. These persons are informed of the procedures for consulting the file;
2° Communicated by the owner to the following persons and bodies, at their request and within the scope of their respective responsibilities:
a) Agents or departments mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 1312-1, Articles L. 1421-1 and L. 1435-7 and the second paragraph of Article L. 1422-1 ;
b) Labour inspectors referred to inArticle L. 8112-1 of the Labour Code;
c) Health and safety inspectors ;
d) Agents of the prevention service of social security bodies and of the professional prevention body for building and public works;
e) Agents of the ministry responsible for construction mentioned in article L. 181-1 of the code de la construction et de l’habitation ;
f) Youth and sports inspectors;
g) Persons responsible for inspecting classified installations and basic nuclear installations mentioned inarticle L. 514-5 of the Environment Code;
h) Commission consultative départementale de sécurité et d’accessibilité ;
i) Any natural or legal person required to carry out work on the building.
The owner must keep written proof that the file has been sent to these people.
III – The summary sheet of the “asbestos technical file” is communicated by the owner within one month of its creation or updating to the occupants of the building and, if this building contains work premises, to the employers.