Waste from healthcare activities is waste from diagnostic, monitoring and preventive, curative or palliative treatment activities in the fields of human and veterinary medicine.
The provisions of this section apply to waste which :
1° Either present an infectious risk, because they contain viable micro-organisms or their toxins, of which it is known or there is good reason to believe that, due to their nature, their quantity or their metabolism, they cause disease in humans or other living organisms ;
2° Or, even if there is no risk of infection, fall into one of the following categories:
a) Sharps intended for disposal, whether or not they have been in contact with a biological product;
b) Blood products for therapeutic use that are incompletely used or have expired;
c) Human anatomical waste, corresponding to human fragments that are not easily identifiable.
For the application of the provisions of this section, waste from teaching, research and industrial production activities in the fields of human and veterinary medicine, as well as waste from thanatopraxy activities, cosmetic surgery activities, skin tattooing activities and clinical or non-clinical trials conducted on cosmetic products and tattooing products, when they have the characteristics mentioned in 1° or 2° of this article, are treated in the same way as waste from healthcare activities.