Without prejudice to the provisions of the Environment Code on facilities classified for environmental protection, any facility for pre-treatment by disinfection of waste from healthcare activities involving infectious risks and similar waste is subject to the provisions of this chapter.
II-Any facility for pre-treatment by disinfection must only use equipment for pre-treatment by disinfection that has a certificate of conformity, in accordance with the provisions of III of article R. 1335-8-1 A.
III.-Any installation, any transfer of pre-treatment by disinfection, any modification to the pre-treatment by disinfection installation involving a change in the pre-treatment equipment used or a change in the source of the waste from care activities involving infectious and similar risks subject to pre-treatment by disinfection or any transfer of activities, is the subject of a declaration sent by the operator of the facility, at least one month before its commissioning, transfer, modification or closure to the Director General of the Regional Health Agency of the region in which it is or will be located or transferred.
The Director General of the Regional Health Agency will issue a receipt for any declaration mentioned in III, which may be made electronically.
IV-Any facility for pre-treatment by disinfection is subject to installation and operating conditions, in particular regular monitoring of disinfection parameters and other operating parameters of the pre-treatment equipment it uses. The costs incurred are borne by the operator of the facility.
V.-In the event of a report or observation of a serious risk to public health, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency where the facility is located will order the suspension of the use of the pre-treatment equipment.
In the event of reports of noise nuisance, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency where the facility is located may request that checks on compliance with the provisions relating to neighbourhood noise be carried out by an independent body with appropriate professional skills. The costs incurred are borne by the equipment operator.
VI.-An order by the ministers responsible for health and the environment lays down:
1° The content of the declaration file, referred to in III;
2° The conditions for setting up and operating a disinfection pre-treatment facility, referred to in IV;
3° The procedures for regular monitoring, referred to in IV, the frequency of which may vary according to the tonnage treated, but may not exceed six months.