The financing of collection systems and operations for the prevention, collection, transport and treatment of waste arising from the use of the products mentioned in 2°, 3° and 4° of article R. 1335-8-1 is subject to the provisions of article R. 541-119 of the Environment Code and the following conditions:
1° The financial contribution provided for in article L. 541-10-2 of the Environment Code is divided according to a ratio determined by order of the Minister for the Environment between, on the one hand, the producers of medicines mentioned in 2° of article R. 1335-1 of this code and, on the other hand, producers of perforating medical devices mentioned in 3° of the same article R. 1335-1, the use of which leads directly to the production of perforating waste from healthcare activities involving infectious risks;
2° The contribution mentioned in 1° is distributed among the producers according to the quantities of medicines or perforating medical devices that they placed on the national market during the previous calendar year;
3° In the case of secure perforating medical devices, the contribution due may not be higher than that applicable to equivalent non-secure perforating medical devices.