When the noise mentioned in article R. 1336-5 originates from a professional activity other than one of those mentioned in article R. 1336-10 or from a sporting, cultural or leisure activity, organised on a regular basis or subject to authorisation, the neighbourhood peace and quiet or human health are affected if the overall emergence of this noise perceived by others, as defined in article R. 1336-7, is greater than the limit values set in the same article.
When the noise referred to in the previous paragraph, perceived inside the main rooms of any residential dwelling, with windows open or closed, is generated by professional activity equipment, the harm is also deemed to have been caused if the spectral emergence of this noise, as defined in article R. 1336-8, is greater than the limit values set in the same article.
However, overall emergence and, where applicable, spectral emergence are only investigated when the ambient noise level measured, including the specific noise, is greater than 25 A-weighted decibels if the measurement is taken inside the main rooms of a dwelling, with windows open or closed, or 30 A-weighted decibels in other cases.