I.-Territorial authorities affected by the presence of one of the species on the list provided for in article L. 1338-1 may appoint one or more territorial referents whose role, under their authority, is to:
1° Identify the presence of these species ;
2° Participate in their surveillance;
3° Inform the persons concerned of the measures to be implemented to prevent the appearance of these species or to combat their proliferation in application of the prefectoral decree mentioned in article R. 1338-4;
4° Monitor and participate in the implementation of these measures.
II – In the event of non-application or insufficient application of these measures, the territorial referents inform the executive authorities of the local authorities to which they report. If these authorities fail to take action within a reasonable period of time, the referral agents shall inform the agents mentioned in I of article L. 1338-4 of the situation.