As part of the tasks it carries out pursuant to 3° of Article R. 1413-1, the Agence nationale de santé publique may call on the support centres for the prevention of healthcare-associated infections, where appropriate jointly, to carry out national surveillance and expert missions in the field of the control and prevention of healthcare-associated infections and resistance to anti-infectives, and on the regional antibiotherapy centres to carry out national expert missions concerning the prevention and surveillance of resistance to anti-infectives, in particular antibiotic resistance.
The National Public Health Agency will designate the centre(s) responsible for a national mission on the basis of a call for projects, after receiving the opinion of the Director General of the relevant Regional Health Agency.
The procedures for defining and carrying out this national mission are the subject of an agreement between the Agence nationale de santé publique and the health establishment where the designated centre is located. This agreement specifies in particular the conditions for validating and disseminating the reports analysing the data produced. The National Public Health Agency communicates the agreements concluded to the Minister for Health and to the Directors General of the relevant Regional Health Agencies.