I.- The granting of funding is, subject to the provisions of II, subject to the conclusion between the Regional Health Agency and the organisation or beneficiary concerned:
1° Either one of the contracts provided for in articles L. 1435-3, L. 1435-4 and L. 6147-12 ;
2° Or a specific contract.
This contract specifies the purpose of the actions, experiments or structures financed, the conditions for their financial coverage and evaluation, and the commitments made by the beneficiary. It includes the other information required byarticle 10 of law no. 2000-321 of 12 April 2000 on the rights of citizens in their relations with administrations.
II – The provisions of I do not apply to:
1° To the financing of the actions mentioned in 1° of III of article R 1435-16;
2° To funding that does not exceed the threshold mentioned in the fourth paragraph of article 10 of the aforementioned law n° 2000-321.