I.-The Plateforme des données de santé and the Caisse nationale de l’assurance maladie are jointly responsible for the national health data system.
II.The Caisse nationale de l’assurance maladie is responsible for:
1° Gathering the data mentioned in 1° to 4° of the I of Article L. 1461-1 to create the main database;
2° Storing and making available the data in the main database;
3° Pseudonymisation operations as part of:
a) Creating the main database and the catalogue provided for in I of Article R. 1461-2;
b) Exercising the rights provided for in Article R. 1461-9;
c) Matching databases with the national health data system.
III – The Plateforme des données de santé is responsible for:
1° Enriching the main database with the data mentioned in 5° to 11° of the I of Article L. 1461-1 and matching the catalogue databases with the main database;
2° Storing and making available the data in the main database and all the catalogue databases;
3° Pseudonymising the data it makes available.
It may also contribute to the creation of catalogue databases.
In order to carry out its tasks, the Platform holds a copy of the main database held by the Caisse nationale de l’assurance maladie, as well as a copy of the databases listed in the catalogue.
It may not, for the purposes of enriching the main database and compiling the catalogue, have access to the surnames and forenames of individuals, their registration number in the National Register for the Identification of Natural Persons, or their address.
IV – The Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques and the Caisse nationale d’assurance vieillesse may, in accordance withArticle 1 of Decree No. 2018-390 of 24 May 2018 relating to the processing of personal data known as the “national system for managing identifiers” andArticle 7 of Decree No. 82-103 of 22 January 1982 relating to the national register for the identification of natural persons, contribute as subcontractors to the matching operations required to create the databases as part of the implementation of the national health data system.
Within this framework, they do not have access to any information other than that relating to the surname, forenames, sex, date and place of birth of the individual whose registration number is to be reconstituted in the National Register for the Identification of Natural Persons.
V.-The persons authorised to access personal data in the national health data system are responsible for the processing carried out using this data.