I.-Articles R. 1110-8 to R. 1110-14 are applicable to the Wallis and Futuna Islands, in the wording resulting from Decree no. 2020-1215 of 2 October 2020 relating to the procedure applicable to refusal of care and abusive or illegal excess fees, subject to the adaptations provided for in II.
II.-For their application in Wallis and Futuna:
1° In article R. 1110-8, the reference to article L. 1110-3 is replaced by the reference to article L. 1110-3-1 and the words appearing after the words: “penal code” are deleted;
2° In the title of sub-section 2, the word: “mixed” is deleted;
3° Article R. 1110-9 is replaced by the following provisions:
“Art. R. 1110-9.-The Conciliation Board referred to in Article L. 1110-3-1 as amended by 4° of Article L. 1521-1, which has jurisdiction in the event of a complaint lodged by a person claiming to be the victim of a discriminatory refusal of care on the part of a health professional belonging to a professional association, is made up of at least three members elected from among their number, for a period of three years, by :
a) The Paris departmental council in the case of doctors, dental surgeons and midwives, until a territorial council of the ordre is formed for each of these professions, and from the time of its creation, by the council thus formed;
b) The central council of section E in the case of pharmacists. “
4° In article R. 1110-10:
a) The first paragraph is deleted;
b) In the third paragraph, the words: “, in particular from the medical control department,” are deleted;
c) The fourth paragraph is replaced by the following paragraph:
“The secretariat for the meeting is provided by the council of the ordre competent pursuant to a or b of article R. 1110-9. “;
5° In article R. 1110-11:
a) In the first paragraph, the words: “the director of the local health insurance body or” are deleted and the words: “mentioned in 1° and 2° of” are replaced by the words: “mentioned in”;
b) In the second paragraph, the words: “approved in application of article L. 1114-1” are deleted;
c) In the third paragraph, the words: “the authority” are replaced by the words: “the council of the competent professional body referred to in Article R. 1110-9” and the words: “to the authority to which it was not sent and” are deleted;
d) In the fourth paragraph, the words: “the receiving authority” are replaced by the words: “the council of the competent professional body referred to in Article R. 1110-9” and the words: “by the authority” are deleted;
6° In article R. 1110-12:
a) The first paragraph is deleted;
b) In the second paragraph, the words: “approved within the meaning of article L. 1114-1” are deleted;
c) In the fourth paragraph, the word “exceptionally” is deleted;
d) In the last paragraph, the words “director of the local body and the president of the professional body on whose roll the healthcare professional is registered” are replaced by the words “president of the competent professional body referred to in article R. 1110-9”;
7° In article R. 1110-13, the second paragraph is deleted;
8° In article R. 1110-14, the reference to article L. 1110-3 is replaced by the reference to article L. 1110-3-1 and the second paragraph is replaced by the following paragraph:
“In this case, the president of the competent professional association council referred to in article R. 1110-9 shall forward the complaint to the competent professional association court within a maximum period of three months from the date of receipt, together with his or her reasoned opinion and, where appropriate, by associating himself or herself with it. “