Articles R. 1111-17 to R. 1111-20 are applicable in New Caledonia and French Polynesia, in their wording resulting from Decree No. 2016-1067 of 3 August 2016, with the exception of III of Article R. 1111-18, subject to the following adaptations:
1° In Article R. 1111-17, the last sentence of the first paragraph is not applicable in New Caledonia ;
2° Le c du 1° de l’article R. 1111-18 n’est pas applicable en Nouvelle-Calédonie ;
3° Article R. 1111-19 is replaced by the following provisions:
“Art. R. 1111-19 – Advance directives are kept in a way that makes them easily accessible to the doctor called upon to make a decision to limit or stop treatment as part of the collegiate procedure defined in article R. 4127-37-2.
“Advance directives may also be kept by their author or entrusted by him/her to the trusted support person mentioned in article L. 1111-6 whom he/she has designated or to a family member or close friend. In this case, their existence, the place where they are kept or the contact details of the person who holds them are mentioned in the medical record, as indicated by their author.
“The identification details of the person holding the advance directives are their surname, first name and home address. This person is informed by the author of the advance directives of the entry of data concerning him or her in the medical record.”
“4° The reference to the shared medical record provided for in article R. 1111-20 does not apply.”