The members of the commission mentioned in 3° of article R. 1611-37 may be represented by a member of their association, who must be a regional councillor, a departmental councillor, a councillor who is a member of an inter-communal public body with its own tax system or a municipal councillor, depending on whether they belong to the “Régions de France” association, the Assemblée des départements de France, the Assemblée des communautés de France or the Association des maires de France et des présidents d’intercommunalité.
Committee meetings are chaired by the chairman or, in his absence or inability to attend, by the vice-chairman or, failing that, by the oldest member present or their representatives.
The operating rules provided by articles R. 133-5, R. 133-6 and R. 133-8 to R. 133-13 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration apply to meetings of the Advisory Commission on the Financial Responsibility of Local Authorities, subject to the following provisions:
1° The quorum requirement laid down in the first paragraph of Article R. 133-10 of the Code of relations between the public and the administration is fulfilled when at least half of the members provided for by this same paragraph include at least two representatives of local authorities, their groupings and their public establishments;
2° Without prejudice to the provisions of Article R. 133-12 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration, a member of the commission may not also sit :
a) If he/she performs functions or a professional activity or holds a mandate with a local authority, a group of local authorities or a public establishment concerned or with any person involved in the procedure initiated by the European Commission on the basis of Articles 258 or 260 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;
b) If, during the three years preceding the referral to the committee, he/she has held a direct or indirect interest in the matter that is the subject of the deliberation, held a post or professional activity or held a mandate with a regional or local authority, a group of regional or local authorities or a public body or with any person involved in the procedure initiated by the European Commission on the basis of Article 258 or 260 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.