Investments for the purpose of building, renovating, restructuring, extending, or making accessible as provided for in articles L. 111-7 to L. 111-7-4 of the Construction and Enabling Code for the benefit of main municipal and inter-municipal libraries may only be taken into account under the following conditions:
a) The main municipal or inter-communal library must be located within the territory of a municipality or public establishment for inter-communal cooperation with a population of at least 60,000, or in the capital of a region or department;
b) The minimum surface area of the library after completion of the planned operations must be that described in a and b of article R. 1614-79, if the population is less than 40,000. Above 40,000 inhabitants, the minimum surface area of the library must be 50 square metres per 1,000 inhabitants; above 200,000 inhabitants, the minimum surface area required is 10,000 square metres;
c) For communes and public establishments for inter-communal cooperation in the overseas departments and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, the minimum surface area of the library after completion of the planned operations must be that described in c of article R. 1614-79, if the population is less than 40,000 inhabitants. Above 40,000 inhabitants, the minimum surface area of the library must be 25 square metres per 1,000 inhabitants; above 200,000 inhabitants, the minimum surface area required is 5,000 square metres.
However, investments for the benefit of main municipal and intercommunal libraries classified pursuant to Article L. 320-1 of the Heritage Code are not subject to the condition set out in a.