When the manager of the fund for the individual right to training mentioned in article L. 1621-4 notes a breach by one of the training bodies mentioned in article L. 1221-3 of this code or article L. 6351-1 of the Labour Code, it may, depending on the nature of the breach, issue a warning, refuse or suspend payment of services, demand reimbursement of sums unduly paid or temporarily suspend its registration on the electronic service referred to in article L. 1621-5. These measures, which are proportionate to the breaches observed, are taken after an adversarial procedure has been followed and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the general terms and conditions of use of the electronic service.
It shall make any useful and substantiated reports to the competent authorities.
It makes all appropriate and substantiated reports of any shortcomings it observes to the competent State authorities.