The application for a cinematographic licence is submitted by the producer of the work or document, or by an authorised representative, at least one month before the date scheduled for the first public showing of the work or document, in accordance with the following conditions:
1° In support of the application, the following must be submitted:
a) A copy of the exact and complete version of the work or document as it will be used;
b) The dialogue breakdown in its complete and definitive form;
c) A receipt for the provisional payment of the tax introduced by article L. 211-2;
d) Except for trailers, cinematographic works of an advertising nature and works or documents serving a major national or general interest cause, the registration number in the public film and audiovisual register;
2° In support of an application for a cinematographic exhibition licence for a foreign work or document in its original version, the French subtitle text of the version being shown in France must also be submitted.