Doctors attached to antenatal clinics must be approved by the doctor in charge of the maternal and child protection service.
The approved doctor must attend the consultation in person and, except in the case of annual leave or illness, may only be replaced in exceptional circumstances; the replacement must always be a person who fulfils the conditions required by law.
When carrying out group examinations, the doctor must show the same respect for the human being as in the practice of private medicine; he must therefore always examine each patient individually and devote sufficient time to each one.
The doctor himself signs the certificates, the sick notes and the prescriptions; under no circumstances may he delegate his signature.
They may not use their position to increase their private clientele. If he gives a prescription to a consultant at the dispensary, the prescription must bear his name, position, the address of the dispensary and his own signature; under no circumstances may the address of his personal consulting room be mentioned.
He must not have any financial relationship with the patients.
As far as possible, antenatal clinics provide both a midwife and a general practitioner.