Each infant clinic must have at least:
1° A medical office with all the equipment necessary for examining children;
2° A pharmacy with lockable cupboards for toxic substances;
3° A spacious, well-ventilated waiting room, opening directly onto a weighing room, with a sufficient number of seats. Each mother is provided with a basket in which to place her child’s clothes when undressing before going into the weighing room.
An office is attached to this room for the person in charge of welcoming and informing mothers;
4° At least one or two isolation cubicles, located near the consultation entrance, to hold children suspected of having contagious diseases;
5° A weighing room, where each infant is weighed and the weight recorded on an individual card;
6° A medical and social file. Each child must have a regularly updated medical record, which includes a list of examinations carried out and treatments prescribed. Only medical staff may consult these records;
7° A garage for children’s cars.