To assess the limit referred to in Article L. 214-39, account is taken of :
1° In the denominator, the assets mentioned in 1° to 4° of I of article R. 214-87 ;
2° In the numerator :
a) The debt of the real estate investment trust resulting from the loans mentioned in article L. 214-39 which it contracts directly ;
b) The debts of the companies mentioned in 2° and 3° of the I of article L. 214-36 in which the undertaking holds direct or indirect shareholdings satisfying the conditions set out in article R. 214-83, in proportion to the undertaking’s direct and indirect shareholdings in these companies, as well as the debts of the undertakings mentioned in 5° of the same I, in proportion to the direct and indirect shareholdings of the undertaking for collective real estate investment in these undertakings. These debts result from loans, other than the current account advances referred to in c of 2°, b of 3° and 10° of I of article L. 214-36 or those of the same rank granted under the same terms and conditions as the undertaking by the members or shareholders of the companies referred to in 2° and 3° of I and in proportions identical to the percentage of the capital held by the companies referred to in 2° and 3° of I, which these companies or undertakings contract directly.
Debts also include those arising from rights held as lessee under property leasing contracts.