I. – The counterparty risk in respect of a single counterparty is the risk that the counterparty will default on one of its obligations, resulting in a financial loss for the undertaking for collective investment in real estate. The amount of this risk is equal to the market value of the contracts less any guarantees set up in favour of the undertaking.
II. – The exposure of an undertaking for collective real estate investment to counterparty risk on a single counterparty resulting from the financial futures contracts mentioned in articles D. 214-113 and R. 214-114 and from the temporary purchases and sales of securities mentioned in article R. 214-116 must not exceed 10% of its net assets.
III. – The use by an undertaking for collective investment in real estate of financial futures, repurchase agreements and any other similar transaction for the temporary purchase or sale of securities must not cause the undertaking to deviate from the investment objectives set out in the information documents intended for subscribers.