Sociétés civiles de placement immobilier, sociétés d’épargne forestière or groupements forestiers d’investissement wishing to use electronic means of communication instead of postal means to comply with the formalities provided for in Articles R. 214-138, R. 214-143, R. 214-144, R. 214-153 and the last paragraph of Article R. 214-160 shall first obtain the written consent of the members concerned.
Members who have agreed to use electronic means of communication shall provide the société civile de placement immobilier, the société d’épargne forestière or the groupement forestier d’investissement with their electronic address, which may be updated. They may at any time request the company, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, to use the postal service in the future.
In order to be validly taken into account at the next General Meeting, a request for documents to be sent electronically must be notified by the Management Company no later than twenty days before the date of the Meeting. Failing this, electronic transmission will be effective for the next General Meeting held on first notice.