I.-Subject to article R. 214-137, shareholders are convened to general meetings by a notice published in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires and by an ordinary letter sent to them personally.
The notice and the letter convening the meeting must indicate the name of the company, followed by its acronym if applicable, the form of the company, the amount of share capital, the address of the registered office, the date, time and place of the General Meeting, its nature, the agenda and the text of the draft resolutions to be submitted to the meeting by the company’s directors, accompanied by the documents to which these draft resolutions refer.
The items on the agenda shall be worded in such a way that their content and scope are clear without the need to refer to any documents other than those attached to the convening letter.
Shareholders may ask to be convened by registered letter. In this case, the cost of the recommendation will be borne by the société civile de placement immobilier, the société d’épargne forestière or the groupement forestier d’investissement.
II – One or more shareholders representing at least 5% of the share capital may request that draft resolutions be included on the agenda of the General Meeting. This request must be sent to the registered office of the société civile de placement immobilier, the société d’épargne forestière or the groupement forestier d’investissement, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by electronic means, at least twenty-five days before the date of the meeting convened on first notice.
However, where the company’s capital exceeds €760,000, the amount of capital to be represented pursuant to the previous paragraph is reduced as follows, depending on the amount of such capital:
1° By 4% for the first €760,000;
2° By 2.5% for the portion of capital between €760,000 and €7,600,000;
3° 1% for the portion between €7,600,000 and €15,200,000;
4° 0.5% for the remainder of the share capital.
Draft resolutions may be accompanied by a brief explanatory statement.
The Management Company acknowledges receipt of the draft resolutions by registered letter within five days of receipt. Draft resolutions are placed on the agenda and put to the vote of the General Meeting.