If the postal voting form and the proxy form appear on a single document, this document shall contain, in addition to the information provided for in Articles L. 214-104 and L. 214-105, the following information:
1° The surname, usual first name, address and number of shares held by the member;
2° The signature of the shareholder or his legal or judicial representative;
3° A statement that the document may be used for each resolution for a postal vote or a proxy vote;
4° A statement that power of attorney to vote on behalf of the signatory may be given to a proxy appointed under the conditions of Article L. 214-104, the provisions of which are reproduced below;
5° A statement that, if new resolutions are likely to be submitted to the meeting, the signatory may express in this document his wish to abstain or to give a proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting or to a proxy holder appointed under the conditions set out in article L. 214-104.