The assets of a fonds commun de placement d’entreprise mentioned in article L. 214-165-1 may include shares in sociétés anonymes à responsabilité limitée issued by companies governed by law no. 47-1775 of 10 September 1947 on the status of cooperation when the fund is subscribed by the employees of these companies or by employees belonging to the same group as these companies within the meaning of 1° of I of the same article L. 214-165-1.
The fund rules may stipulate that the fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in the assets mentioned in II of article R. 214-32-18 and in article R. 214-32-19 of this code, except in the case of a fund set up to manage securities issued by the company or by any company belonging to the same group within the meaning of I of article L. 214-165-1 of this Code and which are not admitted to trading on a trading platform of a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or on a third-country trading platform recognised as equivalent. This limit is raised to 30% for shares or units in FIAs governed by articles L. 214-28 and L. 214-30 or for shares or units in real estate collective investment schemes.