I. – The rules governing the composition of assets and the division of risks must be complied with at all times. However :
1° UCITS are not required to comply with the limits laid down in this sub-paragraph when exercising subscription rights in respect of financial instruments or money market instruments which form part of their assets;
2° Newly authorised UCITS may derogate from R. 214-21, R. 214-22, R. 214-23, R. 214-24 and R. 214-25 for a period of six months following the date of their authorisation.
II. – If the limits provided for in this sub-paragraph are exceeded through no fault of the UCITS or as a result of the exercise of subscription rights, the UCITS must, in its sales transactions, give priority to remedying the situation, taking into account the interests of the shareholders or unit-holders.