I. – The financial indices referred to in Article R. 214-32-22 satisfy the following conditions:
1° Their composition is sufficiently diversified, in the sense that the following criteria are met:
a) The index is composed in such a way that price movements or trading activities affecting one of its components do not have an abnormal influence on its overall performance ;
b) When the index is composed of instruments mentioned in Article L. 214-24-55, its composition complies with the diversification rules mentioned in I and II of Article R. 214-32-30;
c) When the index is composed of other assets, its composition is diversified according to rules equivalent to those laid down in I and II of article R. 214-32-30;
2° They constitute a representative benchmark for the market to which they refer, in the sense that the following criteria are met:
a) The index measures, in a relevant and appropriate manner, the performance of a representative set of underlying assets;
b) The index is reviewed or re-weighted at regular intervals so that it continues to reflect the markets to which it refers, in accordance with publicly available criteria;
c) The underlying assets are sufficiently liquid to enable users to replicate the index, where appropriate;
3° They are published in an appropriate manner, in the sense that the following criteria are met:
a) Their publication is based on adequate procedures for price collection and calculation and subsequent publication of the index value, including valuation procedures applicable to components for which no market price is available;
b) Relevant information on matters such as index calculation, index weighting methodologies, changes to the index or any operational difficulties encountered in providing timely or accurate information is disseminated widely and in a timely manner.
II. – When the composition of assets serving as underlyings for financial contracts does not meet the criteria set out in I, these financial contracts are considered, when they meet the criteria set out in Article R. 214-32-22, as financial contracts based on a combination of the assets mentioned in a to c of 1° of Article R. 214-32-22.