A general-purpose investment fund governed by this paragraph may invest :
1° Up to all of its assets in :
a) Units or shares of French or foreign UCITS ;
b) Units or shares of general-purpose investment funds covered by this paragraph or general-purpose professional funds mentioned in article R. 214-190 which do not make use of the exemptions provided for in V of article R. 214-192 and in article R. 214-193;
c) Units or shares in FIAs established in other Member States of the European Union or in investment funds governed by foreign law, provided that these funds have been the subject of a bilateral agreement between the Autorité des marchés financiers and their supervisory authority relating to the equivalence of security and transparency rules to French rules and that an instrument for the exchange of information and mutual assistance has been put in place in the field of asset management on behalf of third parties;
2° Up to 30% of its assets in units or shares of collective investment schemes governed by French law, of FIAs established in other Member States of the European Union or of investment funds, other than those covered by 1°, which meet the conditions set out in 1° to 4° of article R. 214-13.