The Music Ombudsman is appointed by decree on the report of the Minister for Culture for a renewable term of three years.
He is chosen from among the members or former members of the Conseil d’Etat, the Cour de Cassation or the Cour des Comptes or from among qualified individuals, due to their expertise in the music sector or cultural industries.
The position of mediator is incompatible with the fact of having held, over the last three years, the position of manager, partner, corporate officer or employee of a company or organisation falling into one of the categories provided for in the sixth paragraph of I of Article L. 214-6.
The mediator may not, directly or indirectly, hold any interest in a company or organisation falling into one of the categories provided for in the sixth paragraph of I of article L. 214-6 or have a service contract with such a company or organisation.
He shall ensure that any conflict of interest situations in which he finds himself or may find himself cease immediately or are prevented.