After a reflection period of at least three months, the two members of the couple or the unmarried woman at the origin of the conception of the embryos confirm in writing to the practitioner mentioned in article R. 2141-4, on a dated document signed by them, their consent to the reception of one or more of their embryos. This document states that they have been given the information referred to in article R. 2141-2 ; an order by the Minister for Health, issued after consultation with the Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine, sets the content of this document. If consent is not revoked in writing within this period, this is deemed to be confirmation.
The practitioner referred to in the first paragraph shall ensure that the couple or unmarried woman has had access to a doctor qualified in psychiatry or a psychologist.
The document mentioned in the first paragraph of this article is kept by the centre mentioned in the first paragraph of article R. 2141-3.